Tuesday 28 March 2017

Facts about Universe

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  • A day on Venus is longer than a year.

  • 33 light years away there is an exoplanet completely covered in burning ice.

  • About 275 million new stars are born everyday.

  • According to astronauts, space smells like seared steak, hot metal, and welding fumes.

  • According to researchers, the center of our galaxy tastes like raspberries and smells like rum.

  • Each year the moon moves 3.8 cm further from the Earth.

  • Earth has over 8,000 pieces of space junk orbiting around it.

  • Earth’s rotation is slowing at a rate of about 17 milliseconds a century.

  • Far beyond Neptune, there may be an object the size of Earth orbiting the sun.

  • If you could compress the Earth down to the size of a marble, it would collapse on itself and become a black hole.

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