Wednesday 18 January 2017

Interesting facts on India

"India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only."
Mark Twain

1: Water on the moon was discovered by India

In September 2009, India's ISRO Chandrayan-1 detected the presence of water on moon.

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2: The first rocket on India was transported on a cycle

The first rocket was so light and small that it was transported on cycle to Thumba launching station in Kerala.

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3: India has spa just for elephants

There is a spa at Punnathoor Cotta Elephant yard Rejuvenation Centre in Kerala. There elephants also receive food, bath, massage.

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4: The human calculator

Shakuntala Devi was given this title after she demonstrated the calculation of two 13 digit number taken at random in just 28 seconds.
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5: Rabindranath Tagore also wrote national anthem for Bangladesh

Rabindranath Tagore is credited not only for Indian national anthem but also for Bangladesh national anthem.

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6: Diamonds were first mined in India

Initially, diamonds were found in the district near Kishna River Delta i.e in Guntur and Krishna district. Next the diamonds were found in Brazil at 18th century.

Image result for diamonds in india

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